Showing results 1 - 12 out of 12

Collaborative Research Centre 1463/2, sub-project A07: Interaction of atmospheric boundary layers and oceanic mixed layers with very large turbines in offshore wind farms

Kühn, M. (Principal Investigator) & Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jan 202531 Dec 2028

Project: Research


Restart: #HANnovativ

Kabisch, N. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, S. A. (Project staff) & Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jul 202331 Dec 2026

Project: Research


Abstract: Hannover's inner city area is to be redesigned to be climate-resilient in terms of blue-green infrastructure. Smart water elements are being installed as part of the Smart City measure Heat.Water.Management. The water elements serve to specifically improve the quality of stay during hot phases through evaporative cooling. The team of the Digital Landscape Ecology working group at LUH will scientifically accompany this redesign measure from a geographical perspective through spatial monitoring. The spatial monitoring includes spatial mapping with a geographical information system (GIS) before, during and after the remodelling measures. In addition, user surveys will be carried out on site before and after the remodelling measures in order to record the urban population's perception of the blue-green remodelling measures.

TopoPro: Verbesserte numerische Standortanalyse und Lastberechnung für komplexe Topografien; Teilvorhaben: LES-basierte Standortanalyse und Industrialisierung

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jun 202331 May 2026

Project: Research

EUPHORIC: The effect of roof-mounted photo-voltaic modules on the urban microclimate and indoor thermal comfort

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Mar 202328 Feb 2026

Project: Research

StadtklimaNDS: Stadtwettervorhersage und Klimaanpassungsstrategie für Niedersachsen

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

27 Jun 202230 Sept 2027

Project: Research

URSA MAJOR: URban Sustainability in Action Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organized Research schools

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Nov 202131 Dec 2026

Project: Research

MOSAiC-LeonA: Large-eddy Simulationsstudie zum Effekt der Nachlaufströmung von FS Polarstern und Auswirkungen auf in-situ Messungen während MOSAiC

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Nov 202031 Oct 2023

Project: Research

MOSAIK-2: Collaborative project: Stadtklima im Wandel, Phase 2: Modellbasierte Stadtplanung und Anwendung im Klimawandel; sub-project 1: Koordination, Communitymodell, Modellevaluierung, Optimierung, Unsicherheit, Wolken, Niederschlag, Eisphase, Multiagentenmodell, Windwurfmodellierung

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator) & Raasch, S. (Principal Investigator)

1 Sept 201931 Dec 2023

Project: Research

URL: project website (external link)

INCITEFOG: High-resolution numerical studies on the effect of turbulence on the structure of nocturnal radiation fogs

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jun 201930 Nov 2020

Project: Research

Large-eddy simulation study on the effect of vehicle-induced turbulence and exhaust fumes on wind flow and pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jul 201831 May 2022

Project: Research

MOSAIK: Collaborative project: Model-based city planning and application in climate change; work packages C; M1-4: Coordination, implementation and validation of turbulence parameterizations, Large- and micro-scale nesting, Surface energy budget, Benchmarking and internal validation

Groß, G. (Principal Investigator), Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator), Raasch, S. (Principal Investigator) & Seckmeyer, G. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jun 201631 Aug 2019

Project: Research

URL: project website (external link)

INCITEFOG: High-resolution numerical studies on the effect of turbulence on the structure of nocturnal radiation fogs

Maronga, B. (Principal Investigator)

1 Jan 201531 Dec 2017

Project: Research