Publications of the Institute for Meteorology und Climatology

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Total number of publications found: 934
  • Boettcher, Nikolas (2024): Monitoring und Analyse von Innenraumklima mittels eines LoRaWAN-Messsystems 25.0
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Dastenay, I. M., H. Malakooti, S. Hassanzadeh, S. Raasch (2024): Large eddy simulation of the combined effect of heat fluxes and wave forcing of summer monsoon on a diurnal ocean mixed layer in the north Arabian SeaEur. Phys. J. Plus, 139:984
    DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05761-4
  • Digiacomo, Lisa (2024): Parametrisierung der Wärmephysik im Wasserhaushaltsmodell AMBAV
    Bachelor Theses
  • Frederickson, L. B., Russell, H. S., Raasch, S., Zhang, Z., Schmidt, J.A., Johnson, M.S., and O. Hertel (2024): Urban vertical air pollution gradient and dynamics investigated with low-cost sensors and large-eddy simulationsAtmos. Env., 316, 120126
    DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120162
  • Fuchs, Nina (2024): Vergleich des Bedeckungsgrades zwischen Hannover (Deutschland) und Lauder (Neuseeland)
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Gao, Zixuan (2024): Investigation of the turbulent flow within an agricultuaral solar farm
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Jony, Md Ridwan Nahid (2024): Calculation of Electricity Production by East-West Orientation of Solar Modules
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Klamt, J., S. Giersch, and S. Raasch (2024): Saltation-Induced Dust Emission of Dust Devils in the Convective Boundary Layer—An LES Study on the Meter ScaleJ. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 129(7), e2023JD040058
    DOI: 10.1029/2023JD040058
  • Li, D., L. Wang, T. Sun, G. Katul, E. Bou-Zeid, B. Maronga (2024): Persistent urban heatSicence Advances, 10(15)
    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj7398
  • Luther, Arjun (2024): Identification of cloud occurences from airborne offshore radiation measurements
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Ng, Joseph (2024): Entwicklung eines impliziten Zeitschnittverfahrens für die Vertikaldiffusion in PALM
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Pfau, Simone (2024): A sensitivity analysis method for evaluating the effect of input parameter uncertainty on the results of the PALM model system
    PhD Theses
  • Reuter, Oliver (2024): Analyse des Einflusses der Globalstrahlung auf das Waldbrandgeschehen im gegliederten Relief Mitteldeutschland
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Schmidt, Martin (2024): Investigation of wind profile parameterizations for the atmospheric mixing layer based on measurement data
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Zellmer, Colleen (2024): Implementierung und Validierung einer Meereisparametrisierung im LES Modell PALM
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Brassat, Jannis Christian (2023): Untersuchung der Mechanismen zur Staubteufelentstehung mittels Lagrange´sche Partikel - Eine LES-Studie
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Bruns, Nadja (2023): Mögliche Pfade zur klimaneutralen Region Hannover
    Bachelor Theses
  • Cordero R.R., Feron S., Damiani A., Sepulveda E., Jorquera J., Redondas A., Seckmeyer G., Carrasco J., Fernandoy F., Neshyba S., Rowe P.M., Asencio V., Alfonso, J.A., MacDonell S., Rowe P., Ojyang Z. (2023): Surface Solar Extremes in the Most Irradiated Region on Earth, AltiplanoBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
    DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0215
  • Cordero R.R., Feron S., Sepulveda E., Damiani A., Jorquera J., Rowe P.M., Carrasco J., Rayas J.A., Llanillo P., MacDonell S., Seckmeyer G. (2023): Ground-based measurements of the weatherdriven sky radiance distribution in the Southern HemispherePlos One
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286397
  • Crisosto González, Cristian (2023): Solar Irradiance Forecast from All-sky images using Machine Learning
    PhD Theses