Publications of the Institute for Meteorology und Climatology

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Total number of publications found: 934
  • Steinfeld, G., S. Raasch, M. O. Letzel, M. Kanda and A. Inagaki (2006): LES study on the imbalance problemEuropean Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2006, 02-07 April 2006 - Vienna, Austria
    Conference Contributions
  • Uhlenbrock, Jörg (2006): Numerische Untersuchung der konvektiven Grenzschicht über realen heterogenen Landoberflächen mit einem Grobstruktursimulationsmodell | File |
    PhD Theses
  • Uhlenbrock, Jörg (2006): Numerische Untersuchung der konvektiven Grenzschicht über realen heterogenen Landoberflächen mit einem Grobstruktur-simulationsmodell (Nr. 68) | File |
    Reports of the Institute
  • Wittemeyer, Thorsten (2006): Messung der spektralen Globalbestrahlungsstärke im nahen Infrarot
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Wuttke S., Bernhard G., Ehramjian J., McKenzie R., Johnston P., O’Neil M., Seckmeyer G. (2006): New spectroradiometers complying with NDSC standardsJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 23(2), pp. 241–251
    DOI: 10.1175/JTECH1826
  • Wuttke S., Seckmeyer G. (2006): Spectral Radiance and Sky Luminance in Antarctica: A Case StudyTheoretical and Applied Climatology 85, pp131-148
    DOI: 10.1007/s00704-005-0188-2
  • Wuttke S., Seckmeyer G., König-Langlo G. (2006): Measurements of spectral snow albedo at Neumayer, AntarcticaAnnales Geophysicae, 24, 7-21. SREF: 1432-0576/ag/2006-24-7
  • Bais A., Kazadzis S., Garane K., Kouremeti N., Gröbner J., Blumthaler M., Seckmeyer G., Webb A., Koskela T., Görts P., Schreder J. (2005): Portable device for characterizing the angular response of UV spectroradiometersApplied Optics, 44(33), pp 7136-7143
  • Groebner J., Schreder J., Kazadzis S., Bais A.F., Blumthaler M., Goerts P., Koskela T., Tax R., Seckmeyer G., Webb A.R. (2005): A travelling reference spectroradiometer for routine QA of spectral solar UV irradiance measurementsApplied Optics, 44(25), pp 5321-5331
  • Gryschka, M. and S. Raasch (2005): Roll convection during a cold air outbreak: A large-eddy simulation with stationary model domainGeophys. Res. Lett., 32, L14805
    DOI: 10.1029/2005GL022872
  • Gryschka, M., S. Raasch and D. Etling (2005): Large-eddy simulation of a cold air outbreak with stationary model domain.European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005, 24-29 April 2005 - Vienna, Austria
    Conference Contributions
  • Hamann, Ulrich (2005): Entwicklung des Monte-Carlo-Strahlungstransfermodells Promt
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Herbort, Florian (2005): Die Bestimmung des Flüssigwassergehalts im Vereisungswarnsystem ADWICE - Problemanalyse und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Inagaki, A., M. Kanda, M.O. Letzel and S. Raasch (2005): The impact of the surface heterogeneity on the energy imbalance problem using LES (in Japanese)Annual J. Hydraulic Eng., JSCE, 49, 343-348
  • Jansen, H. and S. Raasch (2005): Investigations on mesoscale cellular convection with high resolution large-eddy simulationsEuropean Meteorological Society, 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS), 7th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), 12-16 September 2005 - Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Conference Contributions
  • Jansen, H., M. Schröter, S. Raasch and I.-S. Kang (2005): The influence of background wind on aspect ratios of convective cells during cold air outbreaks - studies with a large eddy simulation modelEuropean Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005, 24-29 April 2005 - Vienna, Austria
    Conference Contributions
  • Keyn, Susanne (2005): On the potential use of total lightning data for nowcasting of thunderstorms and convective precipitation
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Koppe, Katharina (2005): Wettereinfluss auf die Sicherheit im Luftverkehr
    Master and Diploma Theses
  • Letzel, M.O., M. Kanda and S. Raasch (2005): A new dimension of urban climate modelling with parallel large-eddy simulationClimate Analysis for Urban Planning: The 4th Japanese - German Meeting on Urban Climatology, 30 November - 2 December 2005 - Tsukuba, Japan More info
    Conference Contributions
  • Raabe, A., K. Arnold, A. Ziemann, F. Beyrich, J.-P. Leps, J. Bange, P. Zittel, T. Spiess, T. Foken, M. Göckede, M. Schröter and S. Raasch (2005): STINHO - Structure of turbulent transport under inhomogeneous surface conditions - part 1: The micro-a scale field experimentMeteorol. Z., 14, 315-327