Schwerewellen und Rotoren,
promet Meteorologische Fortbildung, Jahrg. 39, Nr. 1/2, pp. 36-44
Entrainment and mixing at the interface of shallow cumulus clouds: Results from a combination of observations and simulations,
Meteorol. Z., 23, 349-368
DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2014/0597
DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2014/0597
Entrainment of Aerosols and Their Activation in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud Studied with a Coupled LCM-LES Approach,
14th Conference on Cloud Physics, 7-11 July 2014, Boston, MA, USA
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Conference Contributions
The Initiation of Rain in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud,
ACEEES Forum 2014, 12-16 December 2014, Perth, WA, Australia
Conference Contributions
Improved synthesis of global irradiance with one-minute resolution for PV system simulations,
International Journal of Photoenergy
DOI: 10.1155/2014/808509
DOI: 10.1155/2014/808509
Case Study of Adverse Weather Avoidance Modelling,
Paper, Fourth SESAR Innovation Days, 25 - 27 November 2014, Madrid, Spain
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Conference Contributions
Real-time Flugverkehrssimulation der Gewitterumfliegung basierend auf dem Wetterausweichmodell DIVMET und dem Luftverkehrsmodell NAVSIM,
Talk, Sitzung 2 / 2014 der DGON – Luftfahrtkommission, Thema "Flugmeteorologie", 24 Oktober 2014, Offenbach, Germany
Conference Contributions
Vertical Grid Nesting For Improved Surface Layer Resolution In Large-Eddy Simulation,
21th Symposium of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014 - Leeds, UK
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Conference Contributions
Ausbreitung von Bioaerosolen in der Atmosphäre und gesundheitliche Aspekte
Bachelor Theses
Large-eddy simulation of the scalar transport in a forest-edge flow - Spatial variability of the scalar distribution and the scalar transport downstream of a clearing-to-forest transition
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DOI: 10.5446/14311
DOI: 10.5446/14311
AV Media
Large-eddy simulation of a forest-edge flow - Adjustment of a turbulent flow to the changing surface conditions at a clearing-to-forest transition
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DOI: 10.5446/14297
DOI: 10.5446/14297
AV Media
What determines the differences found in forest edge flow between physical models and atmospheric measurements? -- An LES study,
Meteorol. Z., 23(1), 33-49
DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2014/0542
DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2014/0542
High Resolution Large-Eddy Simulations of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Macau,
CWE 2014: 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 8 - 12 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany
Conference Contributions
Development of two methods of different complexity to simulate atmospheric boundary layer turbulence for aircraft design studies
Fourth Joint Symposium of DFG FOR 1066 and DLR-Airbus CASE:
“Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall“, Braunschweig, Germany
Conference Contributions
Large-eddy simulation on the influence of buildings on aircraft during take off and landing
7th Japanese German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Hannover, Germany
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Conference Contributions
Analysis of one- and two-dimensional mean gust shapes using a large-eddy simulation model
CWE 2014: 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 8 - 12 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany
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Conference Contributions
Analysis of one- and two-dimensional mean gust shapes using a large-eddy simulation model
CWE 2014: 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, 8 - 12 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany
Conference Contributions
Urban Large-Eddy Simulation - Influence of a densely build-up artificial island on the turbulent flow in the city of Macau
More info
DOI: 10.5446/14368
DOI: 10.5446/14368
AV Media
Weiterentwicklung von NinJo-Batch-Produkten für die synoptische Ausbildung, sowie Weiterentwicklung einer (elektronischen) meteorologischen Informationswand
Bachelor Theses
Approximation der Bestrahlungsstärke durch endliche Anzahl von Strahldichtepunkten
Bachelor Theses