Publikationen des Institutes für Meteorologie und Klimatologie

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 934
  • Letzel, M. O., G. Gaus, S. Raasch, N. Jensen and M. Kanda (2008): Turbulent flow around high-rise office buildings in downtown TokyoDynamic Visualization in Science, No. 13100, originally published under the URL (dead Link) or Youtube
  • Letzel, M.O., M. Krane and S. Raasch (2008): High resolution urban large-eddy simulation studies from street canyon to neighbourhood scaleAtmos. Env., 42, 8770-8784
    DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.08.001
  • Lukassen, Dana (2008): Numerische Simulationen zum Wachstum landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen unter verschiedenen Klimabedingungen
  • Lüpkes C., V. Gryanik, B. Witha, M. Gryschka, S. Raasch and T. Gollnik (2008): Modeling convection over arctic leads with LES and a non-eddy-resolving microscale modelJ. Geophys. Res., 113, C09028
    DOI: 10.1029/2007JC004099
  • Markkanen, T., G. Steinfeld, S. Raasch and T. Foken (2008): Footprint model performance under inhomogeneous flow conditions28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 28 April - 2 May 2008 - Orlando, FL, USA Weitere Informationen
  • Martin, Sabrina (2008): On the Use of Satellite Data for In-flight Icing Diagnosis
  • Matuse, Candy (2008): Optimum tilt angles of photovoltaic devices for different meteorological conditions
  • Riechelmann, Stefan (2008): Messung von spektraler Bestrahlungsstärke und Strahldichte mit CCD-Array Geräten
  • Seckmeyer G., Glandorf M., Wichers C., McKenzie R.L., Henriques D., Carvalho F., Webb A., Siani A.-M., Bais A., Kjeldstad B., Brogniez C., Werle P., Koskela T., Lakkala K., Gröbner J., Slaper H., denOuter P, Feister U. (2008): Europe’s darker atmosphere in the UV-B, Photochem. and Photobiol.Photochem. and Photobiol. Sci., 7, 925 – 930, August, 2008
  • Seckmeyer G., Pissulla D., Glandorf M, Henriques D., Johnsen B., Webb A.R., Siani A-M, Bais A., Kjeldstad B., Brogniez C., Lenoble J., Gardiner B., Kirsch P., Koskela T., Kaurola J., Uhlmann B., Slaper H., Outer P., Janouch M., Werle P., Groebner J., Mayer B., Casiniere A., Simic S., Carvalho F (2008): Variability of UV irradiance in EuropePhotochemistry&Photobiology, 84: 172–179, 2008
  • Steinfeld, G., S. Raasch and T. Markkanen (2008): Footprints in homogeneously and heterogeneously driven boundary layers derived from a Lagrangian stochastic particle model embedded into large-eddy simulationBoundary-Layer Meteorol., 129, 225-248
  • Steinfeld, G., S. Raasch, T. Markkanen and T. Foken (2008): Evaluation of footprints in homogeneous and inhomogeneous terrain with a Lagrangian stochastic particle model embedded into a large eddy simulation model18th Symposium of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) on Boundary Layers and Turbulence 9-13 June 2008 - Stockholm, Sweden Weitere Informationen
  • Steinfeld, Gerald (2008): Die Beurteilung von Turbulenzmess- und Analyseverfahren der Mikrometeorologie durch virtuelle Messungen innerhalb von Grobstruktursimulationen | Datei |
  • Weinreis, Carolin (2008): Hochaufgelöste Grobstrukturensimulationen von Stadtvierteln in Hong Kong
  • Weusthoff, Tanja (2008): Studies on the Characteristics of Post-Frontal Precipitation Structures in the Mid-Latitiudes | Datei |
  • Weusthoff, Tanja (2008): Studies on the Characteristics of Post-Frontal Precipitation Structure in the Mid-Latitudes (Nr. 73) | Datei |
    Berichte des Instituts
  • Witha, B. and S. Raasch (2008): The effect of leads in the sea-ice on the antarctic boundary layer: A high-resolution study using a parallelized LES model18th Symposium of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) on Boundary Layers and Turbulence 9-13 June 2008 - Stockholm, Sweden Weitere Informationen
  • 24th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2007) 22-24 November 2007 - Singapore (2007): Modelling the air flows in urban places in Hong Kong using large-eddy simulationLetzel, M. O., X. An and E. Ng
  • Bais A.F., Lubin D. (lead authors), Arola A., Bernhard G., Blumthaler M., Chubarova N., Erlick C., Gies H.P., Krotkov N., Lantz K., Mayer B., McKenzie R.L., Piacentini R.D., Seckmeyer G., Slusser J.R., Zerefos C.S. (2007): Surface Ultraviolet Radiation: Past, Present, and FutureWMO/UNEP ozone assessment, WMO, 2007
  • Brakebusch, Matthias (2007): Development of an automated cloud detection method for advanced photogrammetric systems