Measurements of the spatial and temporal distribution of solar radiation
The measurement of solar radiation on the ground is important to describe and understand a variety of processes within the Earth's atmosphere. For this purpose, measurements of the spatial and temporal distribution of the radiation emanating from the sky are carried out with different instruments.
Development of measuring instruments for spectral measurements
The measurements of solar radiation are carried out in the optical spectral range from the ultraviolet, through the visible range, to the near infrared. The measuring equipment required for this purpose is partly developed by the working group itself to meet its specific demands.
The influence of solar radiation on humans
Solar Radiation has both positive and negative effects for humans. Erythema and cancer are examples of the negative effects whereas the Vitamin D synthesis is an example for a very important positive effect. A main research area is the calculation of Vitamin D weighted UV-Exposure of humans.
Optimal alignment of photovoltaic systems
The orientation and the inclination of photovoltaic systems have an influence on the energetic yield of these systems. Not only the position of the sun plays a role, especially the site-specific cloud cover has a significant influence on the optimal tilt angle of solar systems.