The measurement of solar radiation on the ground is important to describe and understand a variety of processes within the Earth's atmosphere. For this purpose, measurements of the spatial and temporal distribution of the radiation emanating from the sky are carried out with different instruments.

Current Projects
Finished Projects
Brasilien ProjectSolar energy production has a very high dependence by the varying solar elevation. The diurnal variation of solar power with all panels oriented southward/northwards (depending on the Earth’s hemisphere) does not match well with the daily electricity load curve. The project’s aim was to test different orientations in order to match the load and supply energy curves in both Germany and Brazil. Since electricity prices depend on demand, this new approach can be more economical, resulting in lower energy prices for consumers, improving energy security for a more sustainable progress.Year: 2018Duration: 2016-2018
PV-EnerateTogether with the Physikalische Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig and further 11 European cooperation partners, a joint EU project was launched in 2017 with the title "16ENG02 PV Enerate, Advanced PV Energy Rating". The project has two main objectives: First, to improve PV energy rating standards and second, to improve measurement equipment and methods to enable accurate measurements of the parameters required for energy rating. In this regard, our task in the project is to measure the spectral radiance under different weather and cloudy situations using the AMUDIS (Advanced Multidirectional Spectroradiometer) multidirectional spectroradiometers in three spectral regions (UV, VIS and IR) and to compare these measurements with the PTB skyscanners. The measurements and comparison of the two systems will lead to a better understanding of the different sources of uncertainty, which will allow a reduction of the overall measurement uncertainty. Finally, the processed data will be used as input parameters to improve energy yield calculations for optimal PV module alignment.Led by: SeckmeyerTeam:Year: 2020Funding: EMPIR program European UnionDuration: 2017-2020